Nandini Ravindranath

Nandini Ravindranath

Nandini has 10 years’ experience providing demand and revenue advice on infrastructure investment projects across the world. She is an APM qualified project manager with expertise in multi-disciplinary transaction advisory projects as well as specialist behavioural research, growth modelling and forecasting.

At Steer, Nandini works within our infrastructure team, managing and directing projects concerning a range of transport assets, including toll roads, airports and car parks. She has extensive experience managing large cross-office projects and teams, often working in logistically and linguistically demanding countries.

Nandini spent two years in our Mexico office working across Latin America and a further three years establishing and developing our business in India.

Articles and insights by this expert

15 Sep 2014

Clearing roadblocks in India

India is preparing to free itself from the clutches of a ‘policy paralysis’ which has been restricting growth across a variety of sectors recently.

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